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The Board of Education shall have the following Standing Committees. The President shall appoint all committee members, subject to Board approval.

The President of the Board and the Superintendent or designee shall be ex-officio members of any such committees. These committees are advisory, however, and have no power to take action or to commit the Board to any course of action, except as specifically directed by the Board. A report from these meetings will be presented at a regularly scheduled Board meeting. All members of the Board must receive a copy of the report prior to the report presentation. The report will be distributed at the time that all other meeting materials are distributed.

Any Board member may request that a Committee Chair place an item on a Standing Committee agenda at which time the Committee Chair shall either place the item on the agenda or ask the person making the request to seek Board approval for the request.

Contract Review Committee

The President shall appoint five members to serve on a Contract Review Committee naming one of those members as Committee Chair. The function of the committee will be to review and make recommendations to the Board and its bargaining agent regarding collective bargaining proposals for both certified and classified employees. The committee will also review and recommend salary adjustments for staff not included in collective bargaining agreements.

Finance Committee

The President shall appoint five members to serve on a Finance Committee naming one of those members as Committee Chair. The function of this committee will be to review any matters that will have financial impact on the school system for the purpose of making a recommendation for action or non-action at a scheduled Board of Education meeting.

Curriculum Committee

The President shall appoint five members to serve on a Curriculum Committee naming one of those members as Committee Chair. The function of this committee will be to review any matters that will have curricular impact on the school system for the purpose of making a recommendation for action or non-action at a scheduled Board of Education meeting.

Policy Committee

The President will appoint five members to serve on a Policy Committee naming one of those members as Committee Chair. The function of this committee will be to review any policies that will have impact on the school system for the purpose of making a recommendation for action or non-action at a scheduled Board of Education meeting. This committee is further charged with maintaining the policies of the Meriden Board of Education for the purpose of ensuring that the Board's policies are up to date, are within current State and Federal guidelines, and are not in contradiction to other Board policies.


Cross Reference:

Policy 9100 (Committees)

Policy Adopted: April 19, 1983

Approved 5/7/2013
Previous Policy Number: BC5.3