Policy Tool | District Policies


Regular and punctual student attendance in school is essential to the educational process.  Connecticut state law places responsibility for assuring that students attend school with the parent or other person having control of the child.  To assist parents and other persons in meeting this responsibility, the Meriden Board of Education (the “Board”), through its Superintendent, will adopt and maintain procedures to implement this policy.

In addition, the Board takes seriously the issue of chronic absenteeism.  To address this issue, the Board, through its Superintendent, will adopt and maintain procedures regarding chronic absenteeism in accordance with state law.

Legal References:

Public Act No.23-160, “An Act Concerning Education Mandate Relief and 

Other Technical and Assorted Revisions and Additions to the Education 

and Early Childhood Education Statutes.”

Connecticut General Statutes § 10-73d

Connecticut General Statutes § 10-220

Connecticut General Statutes § 10-184

Connecticut General Statutes § 10-186 

Connecticut General Statutes § 10-198a

Connecticut General Statutes § 10-198b 

Connecticut General Statutes § 10-198c 

Connecticut General Statutes § 10-198d

Connecticut General Statutes § 10-198e

Connecticut General Statutes § 10-198f

Connecticut State Department of Education, Guidelines for Reporting Student Attendance in the Public School Information System (January 2008)

Connecticut State Board of Education Memorandum, Definitions of Excused and Unexcused Absences (June 27, 2012)

Connecticut State Department of Education, Guidelines for Implementation of the Definitions of Excused and Unexcused Absences and Best Practices for Absence Prevention and Intervention (April 2013)

Connecticut State Department of Education, Reducing Chronic Absence in Connecticut’s Schools: A Prevention and Intervention Guide for Schools and Districts (April 2017)

Connecticut State Department of Education Memorandum, Youth Service Bureau Referral for Truancy and Defiance of School Rules (February 22, 2018)

Connecticut State Department of Education, Youth Service Bureau Referral Guide (February 2018)

Connecticut State Department of Education Memorandum, Mental Health Wellness Days (January 24, 2022)

Connecticut State Department of Education Memorandum, Adoption of Definition of Remote Absence (September 7, 2022)

Connecticut State Board of Education Resolution (September 7, 2022)

Approved: August 20, 1991

Amended: May 21, 1995

Amended: November 21, 2017

Amended: September 1, 2020

Amended: January 7, 2025

Previous Policy Number IB 9

Approved: 1/7/2025

Previous Policy Number: IB 9

Approved 9/1/2020
Previous Policy Number: IB9