
The Meriden Board of Education is committed to promoting a safe and healthful work environment for its staff.  In pursuit of this goal and in accordance with the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations dealing with “Safe Workplace” standards relating to exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens, the following will be the procedures of the Meriden Board of Education for at risk personnel.


The Meriden Board of Education shall establish a written exposure control plan in accordance with the federal standards for dealing with potentially infectious materials in the workplace to protect employees from possible infection due to contact with Bloodborne pathogens.  Pursuant to these procedures, the school will take reasonably necessary actions to protect its employees from infectious disease and in particular H.I.V. and H.B.V. infection.


The school will provide the training and protective equipment to those persons who are at risk by virtue of their job performance and may come in contact with infectious disease.  Furthermore, all Meriden Board of Education personnel defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the school who may come in contact with blood and body fluids will be offered the vaccine for the Hepatitis B Virus which is a life threatening Bloodborne pathogen.  The vaccination will be done at no cost to the personnel and is provided as a precaution for personnel safety.


Legal References:

29 C.F.R. 1910.1030 OSHA Bloodborne pathogens standards

ADOPTED: November 17, 2015


Approved 11/17/2015
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