Guidelines for Grading of Students

6180.12 (R)

Kindergarten Level

Kindergarten report cards are to be issued twice yearly, at the mid-year point and again at the end of the year. The kindergarten report card is intended to provide parents with information regarding the academic, social and developmental growth of their youngsters.

In addition, released time is to be provided in the fall for kindergarten teachers to conference with parents. The conferencing provides an opportunity for the teacher to review the students’ adjustment to kindergarten and other relevant issues.

Grades One through Five

Reporting procedures for grades one-five are detailed in the Elementary Reporting Procedures Manual. Parent reporting at these grade levels is carried on through the issuance of a report card as well as parent conferencing in the fall and spring.

Grades Six through Eight

Report cards at these grade levels are issued four times yearly. Students are to be graded in all academic subject areas as well as with regard to their effort.

Grades Nine through Twelve

Report cards are to be issued to high school students four times yearly. Students are to be graded in all course areas. Students may choose to be graded on a pass/fail basis in keeping with the procedures described in the Program of Studies Booklet.

Special Progress Reports (Grades 6-12)

Special Progress Reports are mailed to the parent at each mid-term. They may also be mailed at other times when a student’s performance changes significantly. These reports are used to notify parents when students are in danger of failing the marking period. Parents are urged to contact the teacher or team when these reports are received.

Special Progress Reports are also used in some cases to notify a parent or guardian that their child is doing very well. A student doing an outstanding job might well receive a Special Progress Report to let the parent know how well he/she is doing.

Approved 4/28/1981
Previous Policy Number: HK2-R