Providing Remedial Assistance As Required by Connecticut General Statues Section 10-14m-r

6152.2 (R)

Remedial assistance as defined in Section 10-14m-r of the Connecticut General Statutes is made available to students as provided for in Meriden’s Plan for Educational Evaluation and Remedial Assistance (EERA). The implementation of Meriden’s EERA Plan is described in the booklet, Educational Evaluation and Remedial Assistance. Copies of the booklet are available through the Research & Evaluation Specialist or the Office of the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction.

The basic elements of Meriden’s EERA Plan are:

  1. Remedial assistance is provided for students in grades one through twelve.
  2. In grades one-three, locally developed criteria have been established to determine entry into and exiting from remedial assistance.
  3. In grades four-twelve, entry and exiting from remedial assistance is determined by student performance on the statewide mastery tests.
  4. Remedial assistance is provided in the classroom setting or a clinic/lab placement.
  5. Records are maintained for all students in remedial assistance.
  6. Test data is analyzed to determine student performance, to gauge the short-term and long-term effectiveness of remedial assistance, and to assist in determining modifications in the overall instructional program.
  7. Parents are kept informed as to the progress of their children who are receiving remedial assistance.
  8. An annual report is made to the Board of Education on the status of Meriden’s EERA Plan.
  9. The Research & Evaluation Specialist oversees the implementation of Meriden’s EERA Plan.
Approved 4/28/1981
Previous Policy Number: HG1-R(2)