it is the policy of the Board to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in the interest of the welfare of all citizens. At the same time, the school system has the responsibility for the welfare of the students while they are in the care of the schools. To carry out this responsibility, school officials should observe the following:

A student is not immune from the law by virtue of his/her status as a student, nor is the school building a sanctuary from the law or the proper actions of law enforcement personnel. Whenever the police have cause to believe that a crime has been committed or when they have a search warrant or an arrest warrant, they shall be admitted in the exercise of their designated authority.

In the event of student interrogation by the police on school grounds, such interrogation shall be conducted in private and in the presence of a member of the school administration. In addition, the principal shall make a reasonable effort to inform parents that such interrogation is about to take place.

Approved: April 28, 1981

Amended: December 15, 2015

Previous Policy Number: JM3

Approved 12/15/2015
Previous Policy Number: JM3