The Meriden Board of Education (the “Board”) encourages visits by citizens, taxpayers, and parents to all school buildings.  In order to promote a safe and productive educational environment for all students and staff, the Board requires all visitors to receive prior approval from the school Principal or his/her designee before being permitted to visit any school building.  The Board, through the administration, reserves the right to limit visits in accordance with administrative regulations. 

The Board further desires to work collaboratively with parents with an educational nexus with the district, its educational programs or the student being observed, to observe their students in their current classrooms or observe proposed educational placements in the Board’s schools. The Board, through the administration, reserves the right to limit observations of current and proposed educational placements in accordance with administrative regulations and the Board’s Guidelines for Independent Educational Evaluations.

Upon arrival, all visitors and observers must comply with any and all applicable building security procedures, including but not limited to utilizing security buzzers for access, complying with requests for photo identification, reporting directly to and signing in and out at the visitors’ reception area of the school office, prominently displaying visitors’ badges or other identification required for visitors to the school buildings, limiting access to those areas of the buildings and grounds for which the visitors/observers have authorized access, and complying with directives of school officials at all times.

Legal References:

           “Guidelines Regarding Independent Educational Evaluations at Public Expense and In-School Observations,” Connecticut State Department of Education (Mar. 28, 2018).

Approved: April 28, 1981

Amended: December 15, 2015

Amended: December 18, 2018
Previous Policy Number: JK

Approved 12/18/2018
Previous Policy Number: JK