Conduct on School Buses




While the law requires the school district to furnish school accommodations, including transportation, it does not relieve the parents from the responsibility of supervision until such time as the child boards the bus in the morning and after the child leaves the bus at the end of the school day.


The Board shall require students to conduct themselves on a bus and at the bus stop in a manner consistent with established standards of conduct.


In cases when students do not conduct themselves properly on a bus or at the bus stop, such instances are to be brought to the attention of the principal by the bus driver.


Students who become serious disciplinary problems on the school bus or at the bus stop may have their riding privileges suspended by the principal for up to ten days.  In such cases, the parents of the students involved shall determine another alternative to ensure that their children get to and from school safely.  Such alternative plan shall be shared with the school principal.



Approved:  April 28, 1981                                                                          

Amended:  August 19, 2014

Amended:  August 19, 2014

Previous Policy Number: IC2.3

Approved 8/19/2014
Previous Policy Number: 5130.3

Code of Behavior for Bus Students




The main goal of the transportation program is to provide transportation with maximum safety for all pupils who are eligible under state statutes and Board policy.  It is hoped that everyone will attach a great deal of importance to this goal and that full cooperation and courtesy will be maintained between the home, the school and the driver.


Pupils should consider the use of school buses a privilege which must not be abused.  Students should observe the following rules and regulations of conduct and safety:


 I.         Behavior While Waiting To Board The Bus

A.        On the way to school, children will please:

1.         be at the stop on time;

2.         wait for the bus on the sidewalk or on the shoulder of the highway but not on the paved roadway;

3.         respect private property;

4.         not throw articles at passing vehicles;

5.         conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen at all times;

6.         wait for the bus to come to a full stop before attempting to board it;

7.         wait their turn and avoid crowding so as not to disturb others or cause accidents; and

8.         keep bus passes available at all times.


B.        On leaving school, children should follow the directions of the school administration and teachers.


II.        Behavior While Aboard The Bus Riding To Or From School

A.        When riding in the bus, pupils will please:

1.         be seated as soon as possible;

2.         follow the directions of the bus driver and/or teacher who is in full charge of the bus and all pupils riding therein;

3.         remain in their seats while the bus is in motion;

4.         keep the aisles clear;

5.         observe the usual rules of good conduct and courtesy to fellow students and to the bus driver;

6.         converse quietly and avoid shouting and profanity;

7.         not offend pedestrians or passengers in other vehicles by shouting out windows or making obscene gestures;

8.         not throw objects in or out of the bus;

9.         keep windows closed unless the driver grants permission to open them.

10.       keep arms, legs and heat within the bus if the windows are open;

11.       help keep the bus clean and sanitary by refraining from eating, drinking or smoking;

12.       not destroy or damage seats and equipment;

13.       not use the rear door of the bus except in an emergency when the bus has completely stopped; the signal in an emergency for use of the rear door must be given by the driver unless he has been incapacitated by an accident.


III.       Behavior When Leaving The Bus

A.        On arrival at school, pupils will please:

1.         remain seated until the bus has fully stopped;

2.         leave the bus in a single file starting from the front door and walk in an orderly manner to school designated areas; and

3.         get clear of the bus immediately.


B.        On arrival at home bus stops, pupils will please:

1.         remain seated until the bus has fully stopped;

2.         leave the bus in an orderly manner;

3.         when it is not necessary to cross the highway, stand aside on the shoulder of the road, or on the sidewalk, until the bus has moved on, then when they can see traffic in both directions, walk on the shoulder of the road (or the sidewalk) to their homes;

4.         when across the highway from home, stand on the shoulder of the road 10 to 14 feet in front of the bus until the driver signals that it is safe to cross; do so in front of the bus; and

5.         walk in a single file on the left shoulder of the road facing traffic, if there is no sidewalk.




                                                    PARENTS’ RESPONSIBILITY


The cooperation of parents is needed to maintain proper conduct at bus stops and on school buses.  If school authorities suspend the student from riding on the bus because of code violations, it becomes the responsibility of the parents to see that the child gets to school.


1.         Parents should review the above procedures with their children.

2.         Parents should accompany the younger children to the bus stop for the first few days.  Parents of preschool children are required to meet buses when children are discharged.  Failure to do so will result in the suspension of transportation privileges.

3.         Parents who meet the school bus should wait on the side of the street where the bus stops.  Children are then not tempted to rush across the highway regardless of traffic.

4.         Parents should at all times set a good example in observing traffic rules and regulations.


If you have any questions concerning student behavior on the buses or at bus stops or eligibility for transportation, please call the building principal.


If you have questions concerning the location of bus stops, bus routes or departure and arrival times, please call the Manager of Transportation at 630-4213.







I have read the Code of Behavior.                 _______________________________           

Print Name of Student


__________________________                    ________________________________                                                                                                                            Signature of Parent/Guardian                                        Signature of Student


__________________________                    _______________________________                                                                                                                  

Date                                                                                        Homeroom/Cluster




Approved: July 16, 1996

Amended:  August, 19, 2014


Approved 8/19/2014
Previous Policy Number: 5130.31 (E)