1.  Elections of the Board

The Board consists of nine members, each serving a four-year term or until a successor is duly elected and qualified, elected at the regular biennial elections of the City. Any person elected to the Board shall be a resident elector of the City of Meriden. Removal of residence from the City shall immediately create a vacancy. Any vacancy occurring on the Board shall be filled by the remaining members of the Board by the appointment of a resident elector selected from the same political party to which the former member belonged to serve until the next biennial election, at which time such vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term. The maximum number who may be members of the same political party shall be six. Members shall, before entering upon their official duties, take the oath of office as provided by statute.

There shall be up to four student representatives to the Board. Such students shall be elected in accordance with the procedures established from each high school (up to two from each). The elected student representatives shall serve as a liaison between the Board and the student body. Student representatives shall have the right to:

  • be represented on the Board's agenda; and
  • make recommendations for consideration of the Board, and participate in Board discussion.

The elected student representatives shall not be eligible to vote on Board matters, nor shall they be present at executive sessions of the Board.

2.  Qualifications of Board Members

To become a member of the Board, a person must be a United States citizen and a qualified resident elector of the City of Meriden.  Employees of the district are precluded from serving on the Board.


Cross Reference:

Policy 9030 (Resignation of Board Members)


Policy Adopted:  April 28, 1981
Date Amended:  January 15, 2002

Approved 5/7/2013
Previous Policy Number: BB2