No change of basic textbooks shall be made except by two-thirds vote of all members of the Board and after notice of intent to change has been given at a meeting of the Board at least one week previous to the vote upon such change.
Cross Reference:
Policy 6161 (Selection and Adoption)
Legal Reference:
Connecticut General Statutes, Section 10-229
Approved April 28, 1981
Amended: December 6, 2016
Approved 12/6/2016
Previous Policy Number:
Request for Review of Text or Supplementary Classroom Material or Program Area
6160.1 (E)
Approved 12/6/2016
Previous Policy Number: HH1.2-E(1)
Textbook Adoption Form
6160.2 (E)
Approved 12/6/2016
Previous Policy Number: HH1.2-E(2)
Suggested Criteria for Selecting Health Materials
6160.3 (E)
Approved 4/28/1981
Previous Policy Number: HH1.2-E(3)
Procedures for the Selection and Re-evaluation of Textbooks and Supplementary Classroom Materials
6160.4 (R)
Procedures for the Selection and Re-evaluation of Textbooks and Supplementary Classroom Materials 6160.1 (R)
Part I: Selection of Textbooks & Supplementary Classroom Materials
Procedures for Textbook Selection
Curriculum development determines textbook selections; textbooks should not determine curriculum. This statement forms the foundation for the selection of textbooks and other classroom materials utilized in the Meriden Public Schools. Great care is taken to ensure that selected texts and other materials represent the highest intellectual and production standards and are consistent with the policies of the Meriden Board of Education.
- Basic textbooks are to be reviewed by the appropriate system wide curriculum committees every five years or more frequently if the need arises as indicated through teacher input or other needs assessment activities.
- At the secondary level, where the search for a new text may have been initiated at the department level within a school, such departmental recommendations are to be reviewed by the appropriate system wide curriculum committees before being finalized.
- Recommendations for new textbooks are to be submitted to the Assistant Superintendent annually. Once endorsed, the Assistant Superintendent will recommend textbooks to the Superintendent for adoption by the Board.
- The steps listed below are to be followed when reviewing textbooks for selection:
- A review of current trends in the particular subject area is to be conducted.
- The needs and interests of students are to be determined and considered.
- Specific criteria are to be established by which textbooks will be reviewed and evaluated. In general, a selected text is to reflect the following characteristics:
1) The text supports the objectives of the curriculum.
2) The text reflects high academic and publishing standards.
3) The text avoids stereotypes and treats all segments of our society in a fair and representative manner.
4) The text treats issues of a controversial nature in such a way as to provide information regarding all the major differing views.*
5) Written and/or oral reports of piloted projects or other research involving the textbook under consideration are to be reviewed.
- A process for obtaining feedback and generally evaluating the effectiveness of a textbook (once adopted) is to be established.
- Once a textbook has been adopted, the appropriate curriculum committee will arrange, as deemed appropriate, in-service workshops to acquaint staff with the best techniques for employing the text.
*In the case of health related materials, a listing of specific criteria has been developed and should be utilized when selecting items in this area.
Procedures for the Selection of Supplementary Classroom Materials
- If such materials are to be used as a basic instructional tool, then they are to be reviewed and recommended in keeping with the procedures outlined in the Procedures for Textbook Selection.
- If such materials are to be used on a supplemental basis, then they may be selected at the building/departmental level. However, the materials are to meet the criteria listed in Procedure #4 under Procedures for Textbook Selection.
Part II: Re-evaluation of Textbooks & Supplementary Classroom Materials
Re-evaluation Procedures
- All complaints to staff members shall be reported to the building principal whether received by telephone, letter or in personal conversation.
- The principal shall contact the complainant to discuss the complaint and attempt to resolve it informally.
- If the complaint is not resolved informally, the complainant shall be provided a form to request re-evaluation (Form 6160.1(E). The principal will inform the Superintendent of what has transpired.
- When completed, the form is to be returned to the building principal who will forward a copy to the Superintendent. The material will be reviewed by the appropriate K-12 curriculum committee. A report of the committee’s review will be sent to the person requesting re-evaluation, the school principal, and the Superintendent.
- If the person requesting re-evaluation is not satisfied, a written request may be made to the Superintendent of Schools for further consideration. This request must include a copy of the completed request form, the curriculum committee’s reply, and should indicate the area(s) of dissatisfaction.
- The Superintendent shall establish an ad hoc review committee to include:
- Teachers competent in the area of the content covered by the text or supplementary material.
- Administrators and supervisors appropriate to the level and/or subject for which the material is used.
- The Superintendent’s action on a written request shall be taken no later than fifteen (15) school days after receipt of the request. The person making the request will be notified of the date of the review at least seven (7) days in advance.
- The requesting person may make an oral presentation of fifteen minutes or less to the review committee, if scheduled through the Superintendent’s office at least three (3) days before the review.
- A written report from the review committee shall be submitted to the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall then communicate his/her decision to the person requesting the re-evaluation, the school principal and the appropriate curriculum committee.
- Should the decision of the Superintendent not satisfy the person requesting the re-evaluation, the Board will review the Superintendent’s decision within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a written request by the complainant to carry out such a review. The Board’s written response will be rendered within three (3) days of its review.
- Once a text or supplementary material has been re-evaluated, the material cannot be subject to further review without special approval by the Board. Challenged materials shall remain in use pending final decision in the matter.
Approved April 28, 1981
Amended December 6, 2017
Previous Policy Number: HH1.2-R(1)
Approved 12/6/2016
Previous Policy Number: HH1.2-R(1)
Systemwide Adopted Materials (K-8)
6160.5 (R)
Approved 4/28/1981
Previous Policy Number: HH1.2-R(2)