Career and Vocational Education
Career and Vocational Education 6120.3
It is the policy of the Meriden Board of Education that its public school system shall design and implement a developmental program of Career and Vocational Education. This program will include the career tasks in those areas in which the school system has the capabilities of providing employment skills, job preparation, job entry, job adjustment and progression. Further, this developmental program shall emphasize career awareness at all levels and career exploration at the middle and high school levels and job entry skills at the high school level.
In affirming its commitment to the concept of Career and Vocational Education, the B
oard recognizes that this concept not only complements regular curricula, but is interrelated with other subject matter areas. The implementation of this policy will result in the development of a broad sequence of learning experiences in Career and Vocational Education. The Board, realizing the need for support of this policy, encourages parents, students, schools staff, business, labor, industry, government and other public groups to promote its advancement.
Cross Reference:
Policy 6119 (Organization of Instruction)
Approved April 28, 1981
Amended: December 6, 2016
Previous Policy Number: HF1.3
Approved 12/6/2016
Previous Policy Number: HF1.3