The curriculum shall emphasize the basic skills of English, reading, writing and mathematics; along with the social sciences, natural sciences, foreign languages, the arts, physical education, and health education. Such curriculum shall also include and be consistent with all the other school district goals such as the skills of communication, ethical and responsible behavior, respect for others, good standing of economic principles and responsibilities, and the development of decision-making skills. The curriculum shall include instruction in any other subject, skill or area as required by state statute.
Co-curricular activities shall be included in the school program which will foster participation in athletic, musical, dramatic and other socially acceptable maturing endeavors appropriate to the various age levels of the students.
Legal Reference:
Connecticut General Statutes, Section 10-16b
Cross Reference:
Policy 0110 (Educational Philosophy)
Policy 0200 (School District Goals)
Policy 6140 (Curriculum Development)
Approved April 28, 1981
Amended: December 6, 2016
Previous Policy Number: HF1
Approved 12/6/2016
Previous Policy Number: HF1
Partisan or Sectarian Instruction
Neither partisan nor sectarian instruction shall be allowed in the district’s schools.
Teachers shall be permitted to expose students to information concerning religions and religious beliefs as well as political beliefs and political movements and organizations within the context of the curriculum. However, teachers shall not advocate a particular religion or religious belief nor shall teachers advocate in the classroom particular political beliefs or support of political movements.
Approved April 28, 1981
Amended: December 6, 2016
Previous Policy Number: HF1.1
Approved 12/6/2016
Previous Policy Number: HF1.1
Health Education
Health Education 6120.2
The Health Program shall present information, skills and knowledge necessary for students to understand and appreciate the functioning and proper care of the human body. Health education shall examine the potential hazards of social and physical problems in an effort to help students make intelligent, viable choices on alternatives of serious personal consequence.
The Board believes that an opportunity for effective health education lies within the public schools because of the opportunity to reach almost all children at an age where positive, lifelong health habits may be engendered because of the availability of qualified personnel to conduct health education programs. The Board is, therefore, committed to a sound comprehensive Health Program as an integral part of each student’s general education.
The Board also recognizes the rights and responsibilities of parents related to health education in general and specifically with regard to instruction on acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and family life education. Therefore, in accordance with state statute, students will be exempt from instruction on these topics upon written request of the parent or guardian.
Legal Reference:
Connecticut General Statutes Sections 10-16b, 10-16e, 10-19
Public Act 14-196, An Act Concerning a State-Wide Sexual Abuse and Assault Awareness Program
Public Act 15-94, An Act Concerning the Inclusion of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training, the Safe Use of Social Media and Computer Programming in the Public School Curriculum
Public Act 16-188, An Act Concerning Education Issues
Approved June 6, 1989
Amended: December 6, 2016
Previous Policy Number: HF1.2
Approved 12/6/2016
Previous Policy Number: HF1.2
Career and Vocational Education
Career and Vocational Education 6120.3
It is the policy of the Meriden Board of Education that its public school system shall design and implement a developmental program of Career and Vocational Education. This program will include the career tasks in those areas in which the school system has the capabilities of providing employment skills, job preparation, job entry, job adjustment and progression. Further, this developmental program shall emphasize career awareness at all levels and career exploration at the middle and high school levels and job entry skills at the high school level.
In affirming its commitment to the concept of Career and Vocational Education, the B
oard recognizes that this concept not only complements regular curricula, but is interrelated with other subject matter areas. The implementation of this policy will result in the development of a broad sequence of learning experiences in Career and Vocational Education. The Board, realizing the need for support of this policy, encourages parents, students, schools staff, business, labor, industry, government and other public groups to promote its advancement.
Cross Reference:
Policy 6119 (Organization of Instruction)
Approved April 28, 1981
Amended: December 6, 2016
Previous Policy Number: HF1.3
Approved 12/6/2016
Previous Policy Number: HF1.3