CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT                    6140

The Board deems it essential that the school system continually develop and modify its curriculum to meet the changing needs and diversity of its citizenry and to assure the full, rounded and continuing development of the individuals of the community. While the Board retains its full rights and responsibilities under the law with regard to the determination of the curriculum, it authorizes the administration to use a wide range of resources in the development of curriculum. Such resources may include professional staff; lay members of the community; experience of other systems; programs of schools, colleges and universities; and information prepared by schools of education, educational foundations, and state and federal governments.

The following guidelines have been established by the Board:

The curriculum shall contain all courses required by the State Department of Education.

The curriculum shall convey an education which emphasizes the knowledge and skills which are necessary to be college, career and civic ready.

Cross Reference:

Policy 6120 (Basic Instructional Programs)


Approved April 28, 1981

Amended:  December 6, 2016

Approved 12/6/2016
Previous Policy Number:

Study Committees


Study Committees                                6140.1


Teachers shall participate on committees to discuss and make recommendations on matters of educational development.

Cross Reference:

Policy 6161 (Selection and Adoption)

Policy 6160 (Textbook Selection and Adoption)


Approved April 28, 1981

Amended:  December 6, 2016

Approved 12/6/2016
Previous Policy Number: HE1

The Curriculum Network

6140.11 (R)

Meriden’s Curriculum Network serves to oversee the ongoing refinement of the K-12 instructional program. The network is intended to meet the following objectives:

  1. To increase shared decision-making among staff with regard to curriculum development.
  2. To effectively use the expertise available among staff at all levels in curriculum development.
  3. To expand curricular activity in all K-12 instructional areas at all levels within the school system.

The Curriculum Network is structured in the following way:

  1. Permanent curriculum committees have been established for all K-12 instructional areas. The committees are organized on a K-12 basis with representation from all grade levels and all buildings.
  2. Co-chairpersons are selected to head each committee. One co-chairperson is a member of the administrative staff who has expressed an interest and/or has a background in the particular subject area while the other co-chairperson is a committee member elected from the teaching staff.* The co-chairpersons would lead the committees in all of their deliberations.
  3. One co-chairperson from each of the individual committees come together to serve as a cabinet to meet and plan with the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction on curricular and instructional issues. The cabinet defines overall curricular priorities and deliberates on other matters that would serve to structure the activities of individual committees. Either of the co-chairpersons may represent their committee in the cabinet. Co-chairpersons can alternate in this role or one could assume the role for a designated period of time.
  4. The functions of the individual committees and the cabinet are advisory in nature.

The Curriculum Network employs the following process for curriculum development:

  1. Each committee meets at least annually to review relevant issues.
  2. Curriculum committees engaged in active program review meet on a frequent basis throughout the year. Co-chairpersons are to keep the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction informed as to the activities of the committee.
  3. A yearly status report in each curricular area is submitted by the individual committees to the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction for review in the spring.
  4. Committees have been established in the following areas: Art, Business Education, Career Education, Computer Education, English/Language Arts, Foreign Language, Health, Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Learning Resources, Math, Music, Physical Education, Reading, Science and Social Studies.

*Subject supervisors are, of course, the administrative co-chairpersons in those areas where they are available.

Approved 4/28/1981
Previous Policy Number: HE1-R(1)

Procedures for the Organization and Implementation of School Curriculum Improvement Committees (K-5)

6140.12 (R)

It is most essential to formalize the process for guiding responsive curricular change within the elementary schools. Each school must have an internal mechanism for initiating, coordinating, analyzing and recommending improvements in curricular programming that brings to staff a voice in decision-making.


  1. 1. To serve as a clearinghouse for all suggested curricular related matter submitted by school staff members.
  2. To plan for the orderly implementation of such improvements as adopted by the committee.
  3. To recommend in-service programs or activities that would parallel suggested curricular changes endorsed by the committee.
  4. To consider and take action with regard to curriculum related concerns as they occur throughout the school year.


The School Curriculum Improvement Committee should consist of the building principal, two primary level teachers, and two intermediate level teachers. Other staff personnel and special teachers may participate in committee sessions as deemed appropriate. Also, the School Curriculum Improvement Committee should call upon supervisory personnel and curriculum co-chairpersons for purposes of communication, coordination and support.


  1. The committee should meet on at least a monthly basis for approximately one hour.
  2. An agenda should be published in advance of the meeting. Any staff member can submit agenda items.
  3. Minutes should be kept at each meeting and published (or posted) for the benefit of staff, curriculum committee co-chairpersons, and the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction.
  4. Specifically, the committee should consider any matter related to programming including at least the following components: instructional materials, grouping procedures, evaluative procedures, organizational matters, teaching strategies, professional development and staff allocation.
  5. All committee recommendations dealing with short-term matters should be implemented at the building level as soon as feasible. All committee recommendations having implications for significant program change are to be reviewed with the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction prior to implementation.


The SCIC must, of course, have access to financial resources if it is ever to truly function in a meaningful way. Through PPBES, each school is allocated amounts of money, by program, through which to assist in funding recommendations approved by the SCIC.

Approved 4/28/1981
Previous Policy Number: HE1-R(2)

Instructional Decision-Making Roles (K-12)

6140.2 (R)

View / download INSTRUCTIONAL DECISION-MAKING ROLES (K-12) (printable PDF)

Approved 4/28/1981
Previous Policy Number: HE-R(1)

Curriculum Guides and Course Outlines


Curriculum Guides and Course Outlines                    6140.3

Curriculum guides shall be provided electronically to all teachers. These guides shall present at least a minimal outline for instruction and a basis for further development of the particular course.

The Board assigns to the Superintendent the responsibility for the development and implementation of such curriculum guides as well as the responsibility for monitoring their use.

Curriculum guides will be revised and updated according to student needs and as a result of program evaluation.


Approved April 28, 1981

Amended:  December 6, 2016


Previous Policy Number: HE3

Approved 12/6/2016
Previous Policy Number: HE3