In order to promote an educational environment devoted to learning and free from unnecessary distractions, the Board prohibits solicitation of students by Board employees.  No Board employee may, on school property or during school-sponsored activities, solicit students or offer services to students for non-school sponsored activities for personal or financial gain.


No person or agent shall be permitted to solicit the personal business of administrators, staff or students on school property, nor may administrators, staff members or students act as agents to secure the business of other administrators, staff members or students.


Schools shall not promote or sponsor merchandise or activities, or engage in the sale of merchandise for the purpose of commercial enterprise.  Schools may, though, sponsor or support non-profit activities that serve schools or the community as a whole. Authorization for such sponsorship will rest with the Superintendent.


No outside agent shall be engaged for any fund-raising activity on school grounds or school-sponsored activity without the prior approval of the Superintendent.  The school principal may authorize within school fund-raising activities sponsored by various school groups for the purpose of supporting those school groups.  Such authorizations shall be given with discretion and be structured through guidelines established by the Superintendent to ensure that all fund-raising proposals are reviewed in a fair and consistent manner.


No lists of names of pupils or their addresses may be released to any organization for the purpose of solicitation of any kind.


Exceptions to any part of this policy must be by Board approval.

Cross Reference:

Policy 1324 (Public Solicitation in Schools)

Policy 5159 (Student Fund-raising Activities)
Policy 3453 (Student Activities Fund)

Policy 4131 (Tutoring for Pay)


Approved: April 28, 1981

Amended: November 17, 2015

Previous Policy Number: GA3(#4035)


Approved 11/17/2015
Previous Policy Number: GA3





  1. Definitions:


"Solicitation" may be generally defined as asking students to expend money or otherwise participate in activities that lead to the direct financial gain by such Board employees.  While it is not possible to define all forms of solicitation of students, the following examples illustrate the basic principles:


  • Solicitation of students to participate in non-school sponsored trips.
  • The offering of services for pay directly to students in the school setting.
  • Solicitation of students to participate in any activity in which such participation by students leads to the financial gain of such Board employees.


Solicitation of students shall relate to direct personal appeals, whether made orally or in writing.  Solicitation does not include the placing of general interest advertisements in the school or other newspapers or the posting of notices outside of any of the school buildings of the Meriden Public Schools.  In no event shall teachers or other employees conduct business for personal or financial gain on school property.


  1. Prohibitions:


No teacher shall solicit students or offer services for students for non-school sponsored activities for personal or financial gain.  

Adopted:  November 17, 2015


Approved 11/17/2015
Previous Policy Number: