In general, students requiring emergency care while under the supervision of the Meriden Public Schools (the “District”) shall receive immediate attention and first aid, where necessary, from a school nurse. 

If a child's injury is life-threatening, the student shall be transported to the nearest hospital unless otherwise indicated on the student's health emergency card.  In such instances, the parent and/or guardian shall be contacted immediately by telephone by the nurse, the building principal, or other personnel designated by the principal, and advised of the student's location and/or condition. 

If a child's injury is non-life threatening, but requires emergency care from a medical professional other than a nurse, the student’s parent or guardian shall be contacted by the nurse, the building principal, or other personnel designated by the principal, and advised of the student's condition.  When immediate medical or dental attention is indicated on the student’s health emergency card, and the parents or guardians cannot be reached, the student will be transported to the nearest hospital unless otherwise indicated on the student's health emergency card.  In such instances, the person(s) listed as emergency contacts shall be contacted and notified of the District’s actions.

Health emergency cards shall be maintained for each student containing all necessary data such as names, addresses and telephone numbers of the parent or guardian, family physician and dentist, designated hospital, and names of relatives or persons to be contacted if the parents cannot be reached.

Legal Reference:

Connecticut State Statutes, Section 10-212

Connecticut State Statutes, Section 10-212a

Cross Reference:

Policy 5151.1 (Health Records)
Policy 5141.21 (Administering Medicines to Students)

Approved April 28, 1981 


Amended November 21, 2017

Previous Policy Number: EB1


Approved 11/21/2017
Previous Policy Number: EB1

Procedures to be Followed in Case of A Medical Emergency

5142.1 (R)


All students coming to the health room are questioned and the concern is assessed. The procedure for care is dictated by the written standing orders approved by the school medical advisor. These orders are posted in each health room.

The following procedures are followed in case of a medical emergency:

  1. The school nurse will attempt to find the parent or relative, or the person designated by the parent to take responsibility for the child. This person will be asked to come to the school and assume the care of the child.
  2. If no one can be reached, the nurse will attempt to reach the family physician for his/her recommendation.
  3. If the family physician cannot be reached, the pupil is to be taken to the hospital emergency room.

School secretaries are not authorized to give medication to students. They are not authorized to give first aid unless they have completed the required course.

Accidents of a serious nature must be reported to the Office of the Assistant Superintendent for Administration. A copy of the accident report is sufficient if the accident and procedures implemented are fully explained in the report. If necessary, the report is to be accompanied by a letter of explanation of the total situation. Serious accidents would normally involve a broken bone, stitches, the use of an ambulance, etc. The report will be filed with the insurance agent of the Board.


Approved April 28, 1981

Reviewed November 21, 2017 and no changes made

Previous Policy Number: EB1-R(1)

Approved 11/21/2017
Previous Policy Number: EB1-R(1)

Procedures to be Followed in Case of Related Injuries or Illness

5142.2 (R)



An employee who is injured on the job must complete an Employer’s First Report of Injury or Disease form as soon as possible after sustaining the injury. The form must be submitted to the building principal or supervisor to whom the employee reports. The form must be completed as comprehensively as possible.

An employee who becomes ill as a result of performing his or her job must also complete a report.


When medical treatment for a job-related illness or injury is necessary, the employee is to report to Concentra Medical Center, 900 Northrop Road, Wallingford, CT.

In the event emergency treatment is necessary, the employee is to report to the nearest medical facility.

Any questions relative to the above procedure should be forwarded to the Personnel Department.

Approved 4/28/1981
Previous Policy Number: EB1-R(2)

Incident Report

5142.3 (E)

View / download Instructions & Definitions (printable PDF)

View / download Incident Report (printable PDF)

Approved 11/1/2005
Previous Policy Number: EB1-E(1)