4033The Board of Education encourages the administration and staff to create and maintain Web sites for the District and Individual schools for educational purposes. The web sites shall serve as avenues for educating the community, providing information about our schools and communicating with the extended school community. District and individual school web sites shall be used to share information relating to our schools and our mission. Web sites may also provide instructional resources for staff and students.
Guidelines for Publishing:
- No video or photo of any individual student who has opted out of the disclosure of directory information pursuant to Board Policy 5200 will be posted to the internet.
- A copy of all student work, intended to be published on the Internet will be printed and sent home for parents to view.
The “Permission Form for Internet Publishing” must be completed to post student content to a website.
Approved: November 17, 2015
Previous Policy Number: HH1.4
Approved 11/17/2015
Previous Policy Number: HH1.4
Previous Policy Number: HH1.4
Permission Form for Internet Publishing
4033.1 (E)
Approved 11/17/2015
Previous Policy Number: HH1.4-E
Previous Policy Number: HH1.4-E